Digital Campaigns & IMC

Digital campaigns are all around us. Big, medium and small businesses utilise digital campaigns to boost presence, create demand and generate sales.   Often larger companies will pay for both advertising and use other methods to bolster the campaign. This is called Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). IMC uses linked messages through various communication channels to promote…

Privacy Concerns

The concept of privacy is hard to understand given the current online atmosphere.   Given the nature of online being, online, there is not a single body responsible for legislation and implementation of laws. In some places, such as Australia (Victoria) and even in the European Union, there are certain regulations in place that businesses…

How Ideas Spread Online….

Social transmission is not a new concept. The power and influence of human communication is a powerful tool that can be harnessed for business and personal purpose. Word of mouth (WOM) is proven to be a primary contributing factor behind 20%-50% of all purchasing decisions. Traditionally transmitted through friends and family in person, social media (SM)…

The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IOT) is all around us. In it’s most basic form, IOT links devices to the internet and facilitates engagement between the user, the device or sensor and the internet. The most important tools that marketers use such as tracking, sensing, data collection and monitoring would not be possible without IOT. IOT…